
The Issue of Autocephaly of the Georgian Church in 1917 in the Archive of V.N. Beneshevich

This article is devoted to the study of the problem of Church autocephaly made by a prominent scholar, an expert in canonical law, Vladimir Beneshevich. The article is based on the unpublished documents from the Beneshevich archive in St. Petersburg. The documents help reconstructing religious life of the country of the first post‑revolutionary years (1917–1922). Their significant part deals with the problems of the canonical law, mostly related to the issue of autocephaly of the Georgian Church.

The Issue of Autocephaly of the Polish Orthodox Church in the Early Years of the Cold War

The question of the status of the Polish Orthodox Church had important political significance in the postwar years. The governments of the USSR and Poland were addressing the issue with great attention. The beginning of the Cold War strongly inluenced the decision of granting autocephaly to the Polish Orthodox Church. The article describes how this foreign policy factor afected the communications of the Soviet and Polish oicials in the matter of the autocephaly. 


Controversial Ecclesiological Issues of the Pan-Orthodox Council Agenda and the Question of Sovereign Power in the Orthodox Church

The article discusses ecclesiological issues that were included in the agenda of Pan-Orthodox Council but found no solution in the pre-conciliar debates: the Orthodox Diaspora; proclamation of autocephaly; the role of the Diptychs. The author then examines the issue of primacy in the Universal Church. All these questions can be combined and connected with the issue of the supreme or sovereign power in the Orthodox Church: its localization and mechanics for the implementation.

Orthodox Commonwealth: A Typology of Autocephalous Churches

The paper explores the relationships between the fourteen independent Eastern Orthodox churches making part of a so called diptychon — a list of churches placed in order of “honor”. These fourteen churches take part at the Pan-Orthodox Council in June 2016. The author firstly defines the current meaning of church “autocephalous” status and then creates a typology of the Orthodox ecclesiastical subjects drawing upon history, current situation, and structural features.

Ukrainization within the Orthodox Church in the Interwar Poland

In 1920-1930s the West Ukrainian areas, Galicia and Volhynia, incorporated into the independent Poland (the Second Rzeczpospolita) according to the 1921 Riga peace treaty, became the centre of the Ukrainian national movement. However the political activity of the Ukrainian nationalists was strongly limited by the Polish government. One of the few organizations of the Ukrainian people, capable to maintain social activity, was the Church. In Galicia the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church traditionally supported the Ukrainian national movement.

Constructing National Identity in the Socialist Yugoslavia and the Issue of Macedonian Church

The article focuses on the influence of the religious factor on the national identity in the post-war Yugoslavia. The main attention is paid to the state policy of supporting some religious institutions with an aim to affect the national question. The other aspect of research is the representation of the religious policy in the context of national memory as reflected in historiography.

Church Autocephaly Through the Lens of Carl Schmitt’s Theory of Sovereignty