crisis of secularism

Indian Model of Secularism: Contextualism and Principled Distance

Secularism is often reduced to its western forms — be it French or American model. Rajeev Bhargava in his interview invites us to revise this perspective. He proposes to look more closely at non-western forms of secularism, f. e. at its Indian model that might give clues to the solution of many problems of contemporary secular societies, which are, as it is often claimed, in crisis. Two basic features of Indian model are outlined: contextualism and principled distance.

Secularization Falsified

The article gives a panorama of religious revival which is being witnessed all over the world. Special attention is devoted to Islam and Evangelicalism. This religious revival forces researchers to rethink their conclusions concerning the inevitability of secularization. Instead of expecting the disappearance of religion and its removal out of the public sphere, one should strive for moderation in religious questions, which could be the best defense against aggressive fundamentalists.