
Religion and Сonstructs of National Identities in Eastern Europe in the 20th Century: An Introduction

Introducing the main theme of the issue, the paper is trying to abandon commonplaces and clichés and to emphasize the subjects that were not in focus in earlier research. The papers of this volume show local complexities in how religious factor played in the history of Eastern Europe in the twentieth century. The thesis that some confessions are more engaged in the nation-building than others, seems to be a simplification, because Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants were equally involved in the process of constructing national identity. 

The Russian Origins of the So-Called Post-Secular Moment: Some Preliminary Observations

Celestial Reflections: an Outline of Contemporary Astrology

The article offers a short historical-analytical survey of some general trends of modern Western astrology, by discussing changes and continuities of astrological worldview with short excurses into a number of astrological systems found in the modern Russian religious landscape.

"To distinguish between the negative and the positive in religion…"

This is an interview by Roland Boer, one of the coeditors of a new SAGE journal "Critical Research on Religion" (first two issues published in 2013). Boer talks about editorial policy and research

Clifford Geertz’s Interpretative Anthropology of Religion: Religious Practices as Webs of Meaning

Clifford Geertz, well known as the founder of "interpretative anthropology", is still not fully acknowledged within the field of Russian religious studies. His works, however, may be of interest
not just for his fieldwork methodology but also for the essential role of religion in Geertz’ social theorizing. His understanding of religion evolved, but in general he saw it as a net of meanings that allow people to transcend the everyday and to overcome existential finitude.

Cognitive Science and the Study of Religion

The paper discusses main aspects of modern cognitive science of religion. It shows that researchers, working within the cognitive frame based on naturalism and the theory of evolution, treat religion as a special form of cognitive activity and correlate the genesis of religion with the origin of consciousness and some special functions of its earliest forms.

Between the Margins of Appreciation and Neutrality: the Lautsi Case and a New Balance in the Field of Religious Freedom in Europe

„The Case of Crucifixions“ in the European Court: a Postsecular Reading

Admissible Level of „Immorality“: European Law and Traditional Values

God’s Revelation as «Sublation» of Religion

In these chapters of «Church Dogmatics», translated into Russian for the fi rst time, Karl Barth presents his ideas about the relationship between religion (or natural religiosity of human being) and Christian revelation. According to Barth, the Christian religion is the true religion, but it is so only because of the fact that the divine revelation, so to speak, «sublimes» the human religion.
