multiple modernities

Postsecular Modernities: A Sociological Reading

Pentecostalism: Transnational Voluntarism in the Global Religious Economy

This article deals with the phenomenon of global Pentecostalism, which, together with the other charismatic movements, is the fastest growing form of Christianity in most regions of the ‘Global South’ (especially in Latin Ameri- ca and Africa). The spread of Pentecostalism leads not only to a new format of inter-religious relations, but also to the aggravation of the contradictions between the logic of nation-states and the logic of transnational movements, which go across national borders.

European Integration and Russian Orthodoxy: Two Multiple Modernities Perspectives

This article introduces a distinction in the paradigm of multiple modernities between a comparative-civilizational and a post-secular perspective. It argues that the first, comparative-civilizational perspective, helps to understand modernization-processes in large cultural-civilizational units; whereas the second, post-secular viewpoint, focuses on actors and cultural domains within civilizational units and on inter-civilizational crossovers. The two perspectives are complementary.

The New Religious Constellations in the Frameworks of Contemporary Globalization and Civilizational Transformation

This article deals with the new global civilizational constellations which are evolving before our eyes. These new constellations emerge by virtue of the ongoing social, political, institutional and cultural transformations.

From Secular Modernity to ‘Multiple Modernities’: Social Theory on the Relations Between Religion and Modernity

The author analyzes different views on the relations between religion and modernity, which appear in the social theory of the 20th–21st centuries. The paper provides critical analysis and assessment of secularization theories which claimed incompatibility between religion and modernity. Finally, the article deals with a relatively new contribution made by the concept of ‘multiple modernities’ elab- orated by Shmuel Eisenstadt. This concept both softens and shades the findings of the secularization theorists.

‘Multiple Modernities’, Russia’s ‘Cursed Issues’ and the Endurance of Secular Modernity (a Theoretical Essay)

Russia provides interesting material to test Eisentadt’s hypothesis of ‘multiple modernities’ and the idea that such alleged ‘multiplicity’ is determined by the differences of religious traditions. I argue that in Russia all attempts at modernization, starting from Peter the Great and including its Soviet version, were oriented towards the western ‘cultural program of modernity’, as an ideal type, rather than toward creating some special ‘Russian pattern’ of it.