
There Is Nothing New under the Sun: The Concept of “Gnosis” in Studies of Western Esotericism

This article analyzes the tradition of using the category of «gnosis» in studies of Western esotericism. The origins of the understanding of «gnosis» as a special form of spiritual experience is related to non-traditional religiosity connected with the works of the members of the Eranos circle (H-C. Puech, G. Quispel, H. Corbin). Because of Corbin, the category of «gnosis» appeared in A. Faivre’s concept of Western esotericism as a form of thought. At the same time, among American researchers gnosis became a central category in the description of Western esotericism.

The Reception of Gnostic Ideas in Russian Literature of the Early 20th Century

What Is Esoteric? Methods in the Study of Western Esotericism