Russian «New Theology» at the Turn of the Twentieth Centu- ry: The Origin and the Content of the Concept

In this article we consider the origin and substantial characteristics of the concept of «new theology», which emerged in the Russian theological tradition since the end of the 19th century. Initially this term was related to the lay theologians — particularly to Aleksey Khomiakov — but afterwards it became related to the academic scholars as well, such as metropolitan Anthony Khrapovitsky, V.I. Nesmelov, etc.

Repressions, Economic Pressure and Survival Strategies of the Orthodox Clergy in Kazan Diocese in the 1930s

The article explores the conditions of life and activities of Orthodox clergy of the Kazan diocese, primarily in the city of Kazan and some Kazan suburbs, in the 1930s. Drawing upon published and archival sources, various forms of state pressure on the clergy are illustrated: «labor duties», identifying the lishentsy (disenfranchised citizens) by Komsomol «activists», raising tax pressure; and all other instruments with the main goal of eliminating the impact of Church institutions in society.

«Century-Old Prejudice» and «Siberian Mentality»: Micro- history of the Mid-Nineteenth Century Case of Insulting the Priest Aleksey Orlov by the Jews of Tomsk

The paper offers a micro‑history study of the case of insulting the Orthodox priest Aleksey Orlov by the Jewish merchants Isai and Leonty Prezman and Moise Haimovich in Tomsk, 1858–1863. The paper draws upon the archival sources from the State Historical Archive of the Omsk Region. It explores the materials of the trial, the correspondence between the Governor‑General of Western Siberia and the Tomsk Civil Governor, copies of the Senate’s decisions, numerous petitions of the defendants and their relatives.

«Вековое предубеждение» и «сибирский менталитет»: микроистория «дела оскорбления священника Орлова» томскими евреями в середине XIX в.

Статья представляет собой микроисторическое исследование судебного дела об оскорблении православного священника Алексея Орлова купеческими сыновьями евреями Исаем и Леонтием Прейсманами и Моисеем Хаймовичем в Томске в 1858–1863 гг. Подробно рассмотрены материалы судебного разбирательства, переписка генерал-губернатора Западной Сибири и томского гражданского губернатора, копии постановлений Сената, многочисленные прошения фигурантов дела и их родственников.

Moscow Parishes in the End of the 19th — Beginning of the 20th Centuries: Share of Believers Participating in Sacraments of Confession and Communion Among Urban Orthodox Citizens

In this paper the author considers the proportion between Orthodox city people, who did or did not take part in sacraments of confession and communion in Moscow parish churches at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The study is based upon a sample of data about the numbers of parishioners, which was collected from confession and clerical lists stored in the Central State Archive of Moscow. Significant changes over the period between 1897 and 1913 were discovered: the share of those recorded in confession lists decreased from 30% to 15%.

Anti-Jewish Polemics in the Disputations between Elias, Metropolitan of Nisibis, and the Vizier Abū l-Qāsim al-Maghribī

The present article examines the anti-Jewish polemics in a remarkable Christian Arabic treatise from the eleventh century, the heyday of Arabic culture: the Book of Sessions of Elias of Nisibis (975–1046), metropolitan of the Church of the East. In this treatise, Elias presents his discussions with his Muslim interlocutor, the vizier Abū l-Qāsim al-Maghribī (981–1027). The content of the disputations is transmitted in two substantially different versions: one of them is presented in the Book of Sessions, the other, in Elias’ Epistle to the vizier.

Protecting “Traditional Islam” from “Radical Islam”: Discourse of Islamophobia in the Russian Media

A number of papers on the sociology of Islam are based on an assumption about the domination of a negative, or at least “problematic” nature of Islam. Many authors connect such image with terrorism, violence and migration. A securitization of Islam occurs not only in the media, but even in academic research through reproducing the Orientalist approach. Despite the fact that the narrative of Islamophobia is firmly entrenched in many types of discourse about Islam, the simple question remains unanswered: how is this happening?

Perception of Islam in the Russian Society: Comparative Dimension

Unlike in Western Europe, there is no demand for exclusion of Muslims from the Russian “political market.” There are two reasons for this: the “autochthonous” nature of Islam in Russia and the specific features of the current political system. Due to these two factors, parties with an openly Islamophobic agenda are unlikely to emerge, and public articulation of negative attitudes toward Islam and Muslims is hampered. At the same time, Russia is experiencing tensions similar to those in Western European societies.

Microhistory of the Failed Apocalypse: The Village of Podavikha and Its Inhabitants in August–December 1932

This article provides a phenomenological interpretation of the eschatological experience of the participants in the movement that captured the Kungur and Ordinsky districts of what is now Perm Territory in the second half of 1932. Its center was the small village of Podavikha. During the movement’s liquidation by the the OGPU, the leadership and parish clergy of Kungur eparchy were unsure of their position in relation to what had happened. Someone put the name “Ivanovskaya secta” into circulation, after the movement’s spiritual leader, Protopriest Ivan Kotelnikov.

“The Times They Are a-Changing’”: Ural Old Believer Discussions about the Past and Future in the Search for a “ True” Priesthood at the End of the 19th Century

This article is devoted to eschatological aspects of Old Believer discussions about the priesthood in the Urals and Siberia. The author’s method combines the study of Old Believer history with analysis of their written works. The paper includes an overview of the main trends found in polemics about the “ true” hierarchy of the priesthood in the 18th and 19th centuries. The key source is “The Discourse about the Times of This Century”, a text created by an unknown Old Believer author in the last quarter of the 19th century.
