
Some Writings on Predestination from 9th Century Polemic

The texts, presented below, belong to several authors who participated in 9th century controversy on predestination. These excerpts illustrate positions of key participants: Gottschalk of Orbais on
«double predestination», his critics (Hrabanus Maurus and Hincmar, archbishop of Reims), who claimed that there is only predestination to good and Amolo, archbishop of Lyon, who thought that doctrine of predestination shouldn’t drive people to despair and that is why Scripture and writings of Augustine should be interpreted with this rule in mind.

Doctrines of Predestination in Medieval Philosophical Theology

The paper presents the main issues associated with the problem of predestination, outlines the basic doctrines of medieval theologies on the subject. The author focuses on the multiple dimensions of the theoretical and historical analysis: main arguments in the controversy, the transformation of its formal and argumentative structure, methods of forming and presenting reasons, logical moves of opponents.