
Postsecular Conflicts and the Global Struggle for Traditional Values

What Does Secularism Mean?

This article analyses what secularism could mean for the modern democratic society. It claims that secularism should pursuit three main goals: freedom (no one must be forced in the domain of religion, or basic belief ); equality (there must be equality between people of different faiths or basic belief ); fraternity (all spiritual families must be heard and included in the ongoing process of determining what the society is about).

European Integration and Russian Orthodoxy: Two Multiple Modernities Perspectives

This article introduces a distinction in the paradigm of multiple modernities between a comparative-civilizational and a post-secular perspective. It argues that the first, comparative-civilizational perspective, helps to understand modernization-processes in large cultural-civilizational units; whereas the second, post-secular viewpoint, focuses on actors and cultural domains within civilizational units and on inter-civilizational crossovers. The two perspectives are complementary.