
«Dock the Tail of Illegal Religious Figures». Ideological Evolution of Faizrakhman Sattarov’s Views on the Role of Official Clergy in the Life of the Russian Muslims

The article aims to understand the factors that have influenced the ideological evolution of Faizrakhman Sattarov (1929–2015), the founder and leader of the religious community “Faizrakhmanists”. According to the author, the main point in Sattarov’s evolution was his reappraisal of the role of the so‑called “official Muslim clergy” in the religious life of the Russian Muslims. The author considers two texts, which, in his opinion, belong to F.

Amulets of the East Caucasus (with a Foreword by E. Teryukova)

This article describes the ethnographic collections gathered by E.M. Shilling for the Central Antireligious Museum in the Caucasus during expeditions from 1934 to 1940. It contains not only a detailed classification and technical description of material relevant to the traditional beliefs of the peoples of the Caucasus, but also valuable anthropological, cultural, historical and bibliographic information.

Dualistic Myths (with a Foreword by M. Shakhnovich)

Ethnographer, linguist and historian of religion Vladimir Germanovich Bogoras (Tan) (1865–1936) wrote the book “The Stages of the Development of Shamanism” in 1934–1936. The book has never been published. Its manuscript is kept in the State Museum of the History of Religion. The second part of the book is called “The Ideology of Shamanism”. A fragment from this part, which is dedicated to dualistic mythology, mainly associated with the cosmogonic views of different peoples, is presented here.

What Is Spiritualism?

Unpublished text by a well-known Russian biologist, writer and investigator of mediumistic phenomena N. Wagner deals with the problem of relationship between science and religion. Wagner considers spiritualist practice as a method of conversion into Orthodox religion and a good instrument for Orthodox struggle against unbelief and materialism. The text is introduced by a small preface, which deals with the text’s significance for the history of Russian spiritualist movement in the nineteenth сеntury.

Homily on the First Day of the New Year. Christianity and Progress (1860)

Archbishop Niсanor (Brovkovich) about the Progress and the End of World History