religion and science

The Dialogue of Science and Religion from the Perspective of Contemporary Theories of Democracy

This article deals with the dialogue between science and religion through the lens of contemporary theories of democracy. Can religion, along with science, make valuable contributions to the public debate? Should scientific community respect this contribution, and if yes, then why? The article analyzes the two general considerations in favor of religious contributions. One is normative, connected with contemporary theories of democracy.

Hermetic Tradition and the Scientific Revolution: Towards a New Interpretation of Yates Thesis

The article covers the so called Thesis of Frances Yates, concerning the «hermetical key» to understanding of the Scientific Revolution. The author shows historians’ attitude to Yates’s Thesis and assumes, that in general it depends on what exactly these historians study — the history of science or the history of culture. Also the article shows the role of metahistorical orientation of historians in their attitude to Yates’ Thesis.