
Religio Augustini: Augustine and Spirituality in the Augustinian Order

Religio Augustini: Августин и духовность в ордене августинцев-еремитов

Plato and Euhemerus: “Egyptian Logos” and “Sacra Historia”

The Neoplatonic Tetrad in the Context of the Topic of the Hierarchy of Beings in the Patristic Thought: Maximus the Confessor and John of Damascus

The article traces how the topic of the hierarchy of the participating beings, given by Dionysius the Areopagite on the basis of the Neo-platonic tetrad (Goodness, Being, Life, Mind), and, as it is supposed, of the doctrine of the hierarchy of natural beings by Gregory of Nyssa, were developed in the doctrines of Maximus the Confessor and John of Damascus. “Ambigua”, 7; 24, along with “Centuries on Charity”, 3.24–25, by Maximus, and “Exposition of the Orthodox Faith”, 86, by Damascus are considered.

The Two Modes of Life in the «Science of the Soul» in the Seventeenth Century

The paper deals with reformatting Aristotelian .science of the soul. in the beginning of the 17th century. The major change was the transformation of the concept of .life. which has been reconsidered to include not only the created nature but also the divine one. Aligning with the theological requirements, the scholastic philosophers of the early modern period postulated two different modes of life: physical and intentional, which allowed uniting all forms of life, from plants to God, within one univocal and disjunctive concept.

Hierarchies of Beings in the Patristic Thought. Gregory of Nyssa and Dionysius the Areopagite

Some Writings on Predestination from 9th Century Polemic

The texts, presented below, belong to several authors who participated in 9th century controversy on predestination. These excerpts illustrate positions of key participants: Gottschalk of Orbais on
«double predestination», his critics (Hrabanus Maurus and Hincmar, archbishop of Reims), who claimed that there is only predestination to good and Amolo, archbishop of Lyon, who thought that doctrine of predestination shouldn’t drive people to despair and that is why Scripture and writings of Augustine should be interpreted with this rule in mind.

Doctrines of Predestination in Medieval Philosophical Theology

The paper presents the main issues associated with the problem of predestination, outlines the basic doctrines of medieval theologies on the subject. The author focuses on the multiple dimensions of the theoretical and historical analysis: main arguments in the controversy, the transformation of its formal and argumentative structure, methods of forming and presenting reasons, logical moves of opponents.

Reflections Upon a Theological Distinction According to Which It Is Said, That Some Articles of Faith Are Above Reason, But not Against Reason (with a preface by A. Appolonov)

This is a Russian translation of a text by Robert Boyle, which deals with the problem of faith and reason. Boyle claims that some truths of Christianity are above possibilities of human reason: human reason can’t achieve them unassisted by God’s revelation. But this doesn’t mean that these truths are against reason. The translation is premised by a small preface, which explains the importance of Boyle’s text and situates it in a historical-cultural context.

God’s Revelation as «Sublation» of Religion

In these chapters of «Church Dogmatics», translated into Russian for the fi rst time, Karl Barth presents his ideas about the relationship between religion (or natural religiosity of human being) and Christian revelation. According to Barth, the Christian religion is the true religion, but it is so only because of the fact that the divine revelation, so to speak, «sublimes» the human religion.
